K-BKZ model
The K-BKZ non-linear and time-dependent
viscoelastic material was proposed by Kaye [1] and Bernstein et al.
[2]. The time-integral constitutive equation of the K-BKZ model is
the stress tensor, m (t-t) is
a time-memory function, h(I1,I2) is a damping
function of the two strain invariants I1,I2 and
is the
Finger strain tensor. Temperature effects are included via an Arrhenius
temperature dependency of material parameters. Furthermore, we have:
Time-memory function:
where ai are the relaxation modulus,
ti are the relaxation times
and N is the number of the pairs modul / time.
The damping function h(I1,I2)
can be one of the following:
where a, b are adjustable parameters,
I1, I2 are the first and the second invariants
of the Finger strain tensor given by:
where l is the extension
Table 1 shows values of the m parameter for various
types of deformation:
Table 1: Values of m for some types of deformation:
Type of deformation
Uniaxial elongation
Planar extension (pure shear)
Ellipsoidal extension
Equibiaxial extension
The damping functions (eq. 3, 4) were suggested by Wagner [3,4]. The
damping function (eq. 5) was proposed by Papanastasiou et al. [5].
Invariants of Finger strain tensor:

Finger strain tensor for uniaxial elongation:
Finger strain tensor biaxial extension ( l
(t) is the same for both directions):

Equations for stresses in principal directions:
[1] Kaye, A.: Non-Newtonian Flow in Incompressible Fluids,
College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, CoA Note No. 134 (1962)
[2] Bernstein, B., Kearsley, E.A., Zapas, L.J.: Trans.
Soc. Rheol. 7, p.391/410 (1963)
[3] Wagner, M.H.: J. Rheol. 34(6), p.943/958 (1990)
[4] Wagner, M.H.: Rheol. Acta 15, p.136/142, (1976)
[5] Papanastasiou, A.C., Scriven, L.E., Macosko, C.W.:
J. Rheol. 27(4), p.387/410 (1983)