B-SIM V2.5 Reference - Blow molding simulation


SFDR control specification

SFDR (Static Flexible Deformable Ring) control

The static flexible deformable ring control offers a fixed, but adjustable circumferential wall thickness distribution throughout the whole parison length:

SFDR Settings:

0 1
15 1.26
30 1.5
45 1.71
60 1.87
75 1.97
90 2
105 1.97
120 1.87
135 1.71
150 1.5
165 1.26
180 1
195 0.74
210 0.5
225 0.29
240 0.13
255 0.03
270 0
285 0.03
300 0.13
315 0.29
330 0.5
345 0.74

SFDR settings graph:

Obtained parison thickness profile:

Click for higher resolution

Click for higher resolution

(Click on the images for higher resolution)

As a default, the angle 0° corresponds to the +x axis (positive x). However, the SFDR control can be rotated about the z axis, and the rotational angle is specified in PWT control block as "PWT angle orientation". This angle is common for both PWT and SFDR control, i.e. SFDR and PWT controls are rotated by the same angle.


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